Britus International School celebrated Children’s Day on Monday, the 20th of November. To truly honor this momentous occasion, members of the Britus Bahrain Interact Club prepared several activities that aim to promote unity between their brilliant students. The highlight for many students was the artwork of a tree painted by several talented students in the Interact Club. Many students from every grade level provided input in the creation of the artwork by stamping their fingerprints around the branches of the tree to make it appear like leaves. This simple yet creative art piece symbolizes the unity of the students and their willingness to work together for the betterment or child welfare. The tree itself references nature and growth, therefore simultaneously teaching students the importance of responsibility and the value of improving oneself. To further encourage these important life lessons all students were asked to bring potted plants. These plants were placed around the school to proudly display what the students were able to achieve on this day. @rcseefbahrain @britusbahraininteract #rotaryinternational #peopleofaction #createhopeintheworld #interactclub


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