As part of DG Bashar Haddad’s visit to Bahrain, the Rotary Clubs of Bahrain organized the “Rotary Basics” learning seminar over zoom. The session was conducted in the presence with DG Bashar with the opening address by PDG Jamil Mouwad the District 2452 Learning Facilitator Chair. DDG Amira Ismail chaired the meeting with PP Faisal Juma the Learning Facilitator Country Chair of Bahrain conducting the seminar. There were over 40 attendees from all over the Rotary world who participated. The session was an interactive learning seminar where attendees engaged with topics such as ; My Rotary, Rotary Ethics and Vocational, Engaging Members, Creating Service Projects and the Rotary Foundation. #createhopeintheworld #peopleofaction #rotaryinternational #rotarybahrain


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